Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Deepavali

Hi Everybody,

This is my first post in my blog, so i'm nervous and excited at same time. I started blogging to share my (random) thoughts and also about my hobbies.

Friends it's deepavali time, we all know Deepavali is the festival of Lights. The word 'Deepavali' is made up of two simple words. 'Deepa' means light and 'Avali' means a row. Hence 'Deepavali' means a row of lights. I just love this festival as it's full colourful lights, crackers, diyas, and hangings (we call in kannada 'akasha butti'), rangolies, decorations.

Today is first day of deepavali is Dhan trayodashi dhan means wealth, people buy lots of precious things gold, cars, etc., you might be heard in news today in a single day 25,000 cars sold out. 2nd day of deepavali is naraka chatrudashi this is a day lord Krishna killed demon Narakasura. Third day is Amavase day of laxmi pooja. Fourth day is Bali Padyami this is the day of victory of a Vamana (Lord Vishnu's avathara) on king bali. Fifth day is Bidagi (in north karanataka we call this akkana bidagi akka in kannada elder sister ) the day to honour a brother-sister relationship.

"Wish you all a happy and prosperous Deepavali"

As its a diwali time i'm busy in cleaning house, shopping,preparing delicious snaks for festival...... will be back soon with some more posts.

Till then Happy Diwali.......& Happy blogging!!!


  1. Its really informative post...Hoping for more and more posts..
